Okay, so first off all THANK YOU for all the amazing responses to my last blog. I was so happy to get them and can't wait to do more research on the suggestions. You guys have apparently been to some amaaaazing places (that I've never even come close to visiting) and I can't wait to visit one. I will let you know where I end up:)
So on a more serious note.. I came across a suggestion on my youtube account. It is a video on photoshopping, a subject many people feel very passionate about. As an actress, I would be lying if I said that I've never been photoshopped. My guy is a photographer and I've seen him work magic to some of the actors and musicians he's shot. About 99.9999% of the photos of models and actresses you see in magazines are photoshopped, and what this is doing to young women is pretty serious.
When I was 14 I weighed 95 lbs and still felt like I was too curvy (something we aren't told as young women, is that when we start to take on a womanly shape it is simply that. Not excess weight. So I looked down and saw hips and freaked out). I like many teen girls had pictures of my favorite actresses and models on my wall and wanted to be as beautiful as them. I had no idea that even they don't really look like that.
So this video brings up a very unique and interesting idea and I thought I'd re-post to see what all of your thoughts were on the matter. Maybe it's not the answer but it at least kind of educates people on the matter.
I am also posting another favorite (I called it video two, below) that I'm sure a lot of you have seen. It takes you from beginning to end of a photoshopped image.
K. That's all.
Can't wait to hear your thoughts.
Peace. Love.
Video OneVideo TwoDictionary definition of the word Perfect:
Entirely without any flaws, defects, or shortcomings.
OR...Conforming absolutely to the description or definition of an ideal type.
Okay, that was mine.