Saturday, October 16, 2010

Hairy tights

I just had to post this. Can someone tell me WHY on EARTH anyone would want to wear tights that make your legs look hairy?! Well, apparently the geniuses over at J-Crew had reason or maybe it's a stab at PR. Any how, here they are:

So so odd. I'm confused.



Unknown said...

It's to save you time so you don't have to worry about

Lily's Health Pad said...

The goal of these tights is actually to make one's legs look hairy? If I wanted hairy legs, I'd just stop shaving...

Maybe in person, the pattern looks more like lace...:-)

Katy said...


Unknown said...

I've been seeing a lot of people around Chicago wearing tights with patterns like that. I think they're ugly.

Melinda Eileen said...

girl, thats disgusting... ive never seen them, heard of them, and im pretty sure it should just stay that way! lol.. strange...

Unknown said...

Its just a design. Your creative imagination takes you there. Besides fashion can sometimes be as bizarre as horns are.

Anonymous said...

This is disgusting!Lol

Jen said...

haha i see what you mean about these tights making people look like they have hairy legs but if you look close its just a design. might wanna let the designers know that nude colour should not be sold in this design LOL. But, i've seen worse.

Unknown said...

Wow, see what you mean... That's just totally grose o.O.

Cherylyn. said...


In other news, I adore your blog.
Inspiration galore!

Anonymous said...

That's just gross... what happened to plain tees and jeans??

meghan said...

haha, thats just crazyyy..

meghan said...

haha, thats just crazyyy

Julia said...

God, you're right!