So I have been bothered by the fact that I haven't done a blog since October. I'm going to be better about that now, and appreciate you all checking back for updates even when I'm gone for months. Let's start new and to start of my blogging again I'm just going to post a few of my favorite things... So here you go:
1. - Awesome if you have a shoe fetish (like most women do) but your bank account doesn't appreciate your fetish as much as you do. You get a new pair of shoes every month and a stylist makes monthly suggestions for you to choose from! All for about $39 a month! Yup guilty pleasure right here...
2. - I love this magazine and their website. It inspires and encourages me to eat healthy and cook healthy. Also very informative about what to buy and what's going into the food we are eating, and how to eat to lose weight or feel your best!
3. - This stuff has gotten me through colds in a day. I can't recommend it enough. Take it at the beginning of your cold and you will be thanking me. Also take less capsules daily as a homeopathic health maintenance for your immune system. They even make it for kids!
4. - Okay, you wanna get into shape.. you asked for it. This is a 12 DVD workout plan that will WHIP you into shape in 12 weeks. Based on muscle confusion, this has a different type of workout all the time so you don't plateau but instead keep getting more cut and closer to your goal faster! And you don't get BORED!!!
5. - By FAR the most underrated shampoo and conditioner. This stuff is huge in other countries, but North America is very obsessed with label and price. "If it's more expensive it must work better" not true. I've been given every expensive brand under the sun and why I love this stuff is it's under $5 a bottle and they have so many different products. Dry hair, hard to grow long hair, limp hair, colored hair... you name it. It is really good stuff and why spend $50 on a bottle when it's all made in the same factory?
6. - I love watching this show and learning. Simple as that. He's kinda cool and I learn a lot about health and good tips, etc.
7. This is my favorite store to shop. So I couldn't leave it out. They have Womens, Mens and Kids. LOVE their stuff. I've also heard that they might be doing online shopping soon... hmmm.
8. and - These are two sites that are amazing in helping people and causes around the world. If you feel helpless and don't know how to contribute all you have to do is signup and/or sign a petition for a cause and you will get sent different emails with options to do your part. Signing a petition is a good place to start and a great way to do your part. There are options to donate as well, or buy their cool apparel.
9. - I love their sound and the covers they do. Beautiful, and takes me to a place. I listen to these guys on my way to work.
10. - My new favorite artist. His voice is classic yet so unique, and his music really is beautiful. I listen to him on my way to work too, and think he's going to blow up once everyone hears what he has to offer.
There you go! 10 of my favorite things... hope you enjoy, can't wait to hear what you think. Maybe they will become your favorites too.
XO Chelsea